excuses to get out of drill weekendwhen we were young concert 2022

I had to listen to 911 calls, crying children, the lot. Intruding boss never asked detailed questions again. Talk to your units First Sergeant or Commander if you believe you have a valid reason for being excused from an upcoming drill. He remembers Columbine and Virginia Tech and Aurora and Sandyhook and Parkland and Pulse . First, try to schedule any conflicts well in advance so that your unit has plenty of notice. My friend who worked at Harrods was in the Harrods bombing. Like, first drill, then feedback, then second drill, more feedback, etc? They say that the time for RST has passed. I would be looking for another job immediately if my boss said that to me. Everyone knows how to call 911. As a general rule, you cannot be excused from drill. Also also- there is no way in heck a seven hour (!??) Is it even living, or is it just surviving? Hey [Name] Ive got some stuff going on and I think that would make it difficult to be around me at the moment. How are you doing? She looked at me and said I went to Columbine High School. I can still feel the bottom dropping out of my stomach. But in my opinion, your older colleagues have ZERO excuse for not empathizing with your concerns. Im sure its some package a security company sold someone. -You have a family emergency (documentation may be required) He looked at me with a big grin on his face and said " I got sick,too! Communicate early and often with both your NG chain of command and also with your college professors. There are contingency plans in our family if we were on a plane during a hijacking. Lets Deal With Quiet Firing In The Workplace, 8 Signs of Quiet Firing You Should Know Now, 10 Good Excuses for Not Working on Weekends, 1. Its a big box store, just a series of giant open rooms! 11. Im so sorry you had to go through that. This could potentially be another out for the OP. Seven hours is unbelievable, but sounds more like a training event for the police than your workplace. Law enforcement continues to train others and practice drills. My sons had fire drills, but no active shooter drills. The conference was originally scheduled to take place during AT but when they learned I couldn't go they rescheduled it for specifically me. who have been through it. Your friend doesnt know who that guy is but man, do they hate em. Failure to call before you miss your drill weekend or immediately thereafter is considered an unexcused absence by the military. (ex. Forums Most employee admit that they gossip at work and it is part of our human nature to gossip. I have mild to moderate claustrophobia, and theres absolutely no way Id ever participate in an escape room. And at least a third of us are on the introverted side. If you have blond eyelashes and typically wear mascara skipping that..theyll think youre on deaths door. They had to go door to door knocking to tell people to leave. We had one on site drill each year that was conducted by security. I escaped HS 2 years before columbine was 8.5 mo preggo during SandyHook. Make sure you have a plan for how youll cover these expenses before you sign up. Theres no need for public participation. - Short answer, no. For most permanent types of employment, workers in the United States are entitled to between 10 and 14 days of paid vacation per year. Even though we always we given advance notice of a drill. It took maybe 30 minutes total. The self advocacy takes its own toll. This means that you are no longer allowed to serve in the reserves and will have to leave immediately. If Rainy Day was stressed by the drill, think of how they would have felt. Best practice is to allow people to opt out, for any reason. Regardless of that, though, opting out should be a reasonable accommodation for anyone with cause to believe the training will have mental health ramifications for them. If anything would persuade me to learn how to do make-up well, its this lmao. You dont know how you will react until you are in a situation, but a one-time seven hour LARPing of a horrible situation will not help you and certainly can traumatize you. I choked up reading that and I have no kids and am not in the US. Even though technically I graduated from HS pre-Columbine, guess what? Working too much will cause you to burn out, which will be detrimental to your productivity and mental health. That is insane! Seven hours at work, doing not-work how much of a backlog will there be the next day? Training taken out of orientation, alert system stays. I personally couldnt be a stay at home mum, as I love my career but I think if I lived in the US, I would very, VERY seriously consider homeschooling. Do you own a pet? This is a reasonable thing to take to someone in that sort of role, and if theyre decent at their job, they should handle it for you or at least advise you on the best way to proceed. Maybe you suggest lunch instead of drinks. Literally every soldier here has multiple stories they can tell similar to this. Use the same contact for this.). Youre busy adulting and creating the life you want and deserve, maybe you have children, have important introvert duties or youve been silently spending your evenings working on that business youve always dreamed of. And if you are not looking up for one, have a detailed conversation with him. No job is worth your life. Ours was a few days long, they played a sound over the PA every [whatever number of minutes it is that someone dies from drunk driving], and they staged the crash on the football field and made us all go look. All we can do is raise awareness, look out for safety hazards, and hold fire drills and practice our escape routes once in a while. If there is valuable information being conveyed, I want to know it, but the toll on my mental health if I do this training is going to be immense, and I cannot imagine what content they will be teaching that I havent already heard and internalized many times before. 1. Thats ridiculous! The simple answer is that if you are ADMITTED to the hospital then it will probably be an acceptable excuse. Afterwards, we did a Run/Hide/Fight video, talked about some specific places for it in our building, and listened/watched some videos from an actual active shooter event from a few years before, as the video showed what police response would actually look like. If he again says something ridiculous like asking if you "wouldn't be able to take it," you could say . I got good feedback later about the power of the word, so maybe try it. Its amazing how many men who dont know how makeup works will be like wow, are you okay, you look tired., Expectations around makeup in the office are unfair so I think its reasonable to use it to our advantage on occasion :P. My daughter had mono in HS and was going to talk to the guidance counselor to see if she could get out of quarterly tests I told her not to wear her makeup that day and she got out of those tests. My 18 year old brother called me in a panic because his girlfriend was in one of the buildings they thought the shooter was in, and Im pretty sure the panic in his voice is going to stay with me for the rest of my life. Interestingly, this attitude has prevailed even at the two urban campuses Ive worked at where gunfire outside is a not-entirely-uncommon occurrence. But hes a nice guy . I called my doctor and explained the situation, and she wrote a letter stating that attending the training would be detrimental to my health, with the recommendation that I be excused. And, even calling 911 can be difficult in a real emergency. They youd be able to get your note without having to have an excuse, you legit had to miss because you had an appointment that day. There is not a single f***king thing funny about suggesting you would direct the shooter to kill someone else. The irony of school kids being taught run-hide-fight when theres so little that they could use to fight withat my desk I have tons of makeshift weapons that could indeed inflict great bodily harm if I had to. The Drill Army Reserves are a great way to get training and experience in the Army, but there are some things to keep in mind before you join. You never know when that may be useful. Hope you dont get cornered! By the same token, a person who cant deal with guns being fired in their vicinity is unlikely to be able to work as a law enforcement officer, particularly in the US. The best way to make the most of your time in the Drill Army Reserves is to get involved with your unit and fellow soldiers. Thats just totally unreasonable. My husband once sat in a darkened classroom with his kids hoping not to die once. If something comes up that requires your immediate attention (such as a death in the family), this is considered a valid excuse for missing drill. Yes, maybe some people had left for work already. Her students are fifth graders, so ages 10-11. I do not feel safe. Same with mine; customized by law enforcement but the only customization was Oh yeah all your doors are glass so hiding isnt an option! There are a million other much more reasonable ways to devise a safety plan. Im so sorry your workplace is putting you through this. This is a terrible approach in many ways and I genuinely hesitate to suggest it, but if you feel that #3 is your best option, when I had bosses like that the times when I could manage to, I guess, meet their style, went better than times I couldnt. Then in my senior year of high school, we all got herded a couple of times out to the track, because apparently someone had called in bomb threats. If you are in the National Guard or Reserves, you may be required to participate in drill weekends. You can also request a leave of absence for personal or medical reasons. If you cant make it for any reason, you need to submit a leave form ahead of time so your absence can be excused. Only if you think the person will understand. I was very glad to not witness that or it would have left me in tears again. 4 is not just a valid option but a truthful one. 3. My administrations seem to recognize that they dont actually work. Updated: Monday, March 20, 2017. The closest thing we have is the second-most senior employee, who has an easier time taking up issues with him because of their long-standing relationship. I second Alisons phrasing of opting out as a prediction of the future, not as a request: I will not be participating, so how should we proceed? This means there needs to be a fair balance between times where you work, rest, and do what makes you happy. You dont owe anyone any explanations. Given the reaction youve gotten from trying to push back, I wouldnt bother trying to explain why this is a problem. As it is a work emergency,no one is going to know that you are bluffing. Along with multiple growth options, free site transfers and domains, built-in Content Delivery Network integrations, WordPress support, AND human support we wouldn't go to anyone else. We have a lot of jerks in my city who flout the fireworks bans (wildfire risk) and he said the clouds of smoke glowing with fireworks and sunset accompanying intermittent booms and crackles had an uncanny resemblance to firefights where he had been stationed. Once I had to go down there to switch to a new bag of soda concentrate, which took a lot longer than usual. Im sort of lucky, in a way, because the school I work at is a non-public school serving children with Autism and Intellectual Disability. It isnt helpful. Yup, this works, so well that it kept me using makeup! (Or maybe youcan!). Take the day off if you can call in sick if you need to. So boss will sacrifice OP to save himself. This article may contain affiliate links. One year we had an active shooter trainer come in who said anyone in the lobby would be killed right away, including our receptionists (we didnt have bulletproof glass)! I vote to call in sick. There wont be chaotic running through the halls. My ability to consent to this work activity was removed, and I repeated to Jerkface that I did not consent, and he said that was fine but I had to do it anyway. I could see someone thoughtlessly approaching it like rehearsing a play. OP, pick whichever option works for you, but I would think explaining yourself in a firm, unwavering way would not only be empowering to you, but also eye-opening to your boss. (Like Alisons proposed it wont be possible.). 4. Our society (U.S.) has gone around the bend and its valuable for reasoned voices to call it out. A drill period is usually one 4 hour period. Dealing with Life Events or Advice, Texts and Messaging Templates. A good chain of command knows who these employers are as well as are able to come up with ways to work with the Soldier to deconflict. 3. Our annual emergency response/operations training for chemical hazards is 8 hours. Seven hours of that ought to bring him to his senses and lead him to apologize, profoundly, with tears in his eyes, if he has any decency at all. This boss is not ok, and you deserve better. Things have been chaotic and I need a little time to recoop. No one in management cared. Hell yeah, why not. Amazing- they hire someone to assess risk, then ignore what they have to say about risk to staff in the lobby. Exactly. same, but I would leave early on the day before because of said flu/stomach bug/whatever, take off sick the day of the training, and take off the next day, too, to avoid the followup chatter around the office, and maybe mitigate some of the where were you, you missed its. So a UTA 4 would be four drill periods. Be sure to provide your commanding officer with the note as soon as possible. We highly recommend these tried-and-tested tools: The Elegant Themes membership gives you complete access to 87 amazing themes and 3 awesome plugins, including Divi, the ultimate WordPress Theme and Visual Page builder. And then if they pushed back, Id advise my staff to call out that day and I wouldnt question it. Something tells me the response on the other end of the phone wont be get well soon.. I do agree that theres a difference between physically practicing something and reading about it (and frankly, at some of my performing arts jobs, Id have really loved to have even talked through some sort of emergency response plan for an increasingly not-unlikely situation). During the week, you were full of hope and motivationfor the weekend ahead. It was a tough meeting. I can say that Im unsurprised, and that thats an attitude that explains a whole hell of a lot that people write into this blog about, like flat wages, exploitative culture, and the constant fear of losing a job and not being able to afford food/exorbitant rent/anything else that was once upon a time attainable. Im in Finland, and the situation isnt nearly as bad as in the US, but we have had school shootings here, too. Im a big proponent of safety drills. We had to hide in our offices under the desks. In fact, many units have had to cancel their Drill Weekends due to budget cuts and other constraints. Forcing people to pretend theyd died???? All-day training puts it in a very different category. On top of that, everyone was ordered not to use their cell phones. #1 "I Have A Headache" A headache isn't severe enough to render you useless for a long period of time but it's bad enough that it'll get you out of a social engagement. I was there for maybe 20 minutes in total before my shift supervisor missed me and came along to investigate. As one robber was walking me from the back of the store to the front, with a gun in my ribs, I managed to remain calm enough to figure out how to not get taken out of the store as a hostage. I was in a lockdown at a conference at a university. Im a teacher in a state where this type of yearly simulation training is a state requirement for school accreditation (it always happens on an in-service day without children in the building). No. The introvert/extrovert divide is the most fundamental dimension of personality. In the military, missing 4 hours of a required training equals one unexcused absence. Lastly, if you found this content helpful or want to share your own examples, let us know in the comments. You can offer a better alternative 5. This happened in effing Silicon Valley with the VTA shooting just 2 years ago. Sotraveling, without one, is not a good option even if traveling means going across two blocks. Hi [Name], Im so sorry but weve been out all day and weve found out that the train is suspended from [Your Location], the journey would be a nightmare/ we would probably miss the whole event by the time we arrived. 1. Try Grammarly Premiums AI-powered assistant here. In response, we offered one of the most common run/hide/fight trainings (via video). I did not encounter any of the officers because I immediately closed my door when the drill started, but my Dean and several coworkers who were standing in the hallway right next to our office did encounter one. Lol I was going to say the same thing. Absolutely take a sick day. No, you cannot call out sick for drill. Id call in sick. That is worse than no training at all. Active shooter, hurricane (southeastern state), chemical spill, fire. Anyone attending Drill Sergeant school in June of next year? Id call in sick the day before as well better cover story. When my coworkers started joking about it, I told them if they kept it up, Id go to HR. Everytown has some great resources and statistics you could show your school about these trainings. Please stand firm on the accommodations that you need. Never the Right Word is a participant in the Awin Affiliates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to participating merchants. Youve already got a serious medical condition, and now you get to worry that if your blood sugar plummets or your pump fails during an active shooter situation that it will get all your friends killed. Im sure that wont hurt kids mental health at all. Michelle Rennex, Film Sometimes the messages are after the fact, to let us know that the school was on lockdown, but everything is ok now. My last workplace did the hide in your office training, which was lackluster in different ways I definitely found it mildly triggering due to experiences Ive had, and we received no training on how to protect our customers. My cousins little kids all speak so matter-of-factly about the drills. I always break down and cry when they get to the part where it tells you to, if need be, abandon your patients so that you can save yourself and live to help others later. My supervisor (largest waste of space ever) still talks about how much fun she had getting shot at with foam disks. Theres always That Guy who feels the need to comment. Alternatively, its too difficult to talk about also works. Well, the car seemed like it was fixed so i drive to work and back the last couple days with no issues. Your boss is not a nice person. The great thing about the working late excuse is that all the blame fallson your unassumingmanager. Hes that cavalier about mass mayhem?? I work in a clinic that serves LGBTQ+ patients and I live in a state that is very second amendment and extremely not LGBTQ+ friendly. We know which doors lock and we have a plan if there is a shooter in the hospital. Id almost respect that he said the quiet part out loud, except that the quiet part is so thoroughly and totally repellent. this one never gets old. Use it to your advantage! Call in sick, OP, please. No?). As a parent, what do I even do with this information?! What About Attending a Trade School Instead of College. I would not be able to control my instinctual reaction to a fake shooter. I hope it goes well, and click send. Even worse was what they advocated we teach kids they expected that we would teach 5-year-olds to run in a zigzag pattern across the playground and show them a safe location to run to (like the next school down the street), or discuss the possibility of an active shooter with them every fall. I think about my plan a lot bc the patients we serve make us a target. OP call in sick if your boss continues to be a jerk about this. You mean before that 9am brunch? If you know WHO is conducting the training maybe they could give info about what is happening that day. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. In banks they often hold robbery simulations that range from a silent note passed to a teller to a full blown takeover with machine guns. Seconding the idea that there is an industry built around these things. Attend events and functions, volunteer for leadership positions, and just generally be a positive presence within your unit. And so on. It has nothing to do with any practical benefit, IMO. Just another site. Its stupid and sexist, but it works. That said, there is a little bit of the risk involved because either y, ou will end up making them feel bad or you. Not a drill, but my church employer, with school and preschool attached, had us all watch a video of a shooting simulation at a school. A good excuse should be true and should not be a fake obligation or illness created for you to get out of work. Again, lockdown, except for the three classrooms that were directly underneath this workplace grudge-match turned fatal, we scurried like hell into the hallway to the next wings classrooms. But since I am pretty much exhausted, I dont need anything more than my bed and a day, sleep. I absolutely think you should absent yourself from these in future (regardless of how open to it the boss, is, call out sick if you need to). It was horrendous to experience. You are going to cause someone mental anguish for little if any payoff in this situation. When I voiced my concerns, he made a few jokes about how he would simply redirect the shooter to a younger person, then asked if I was saying I wouldnt be able to take it. Absolutely nothing about this is funny to me, and this made me feel even more alienated.

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