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Outlets must also tag the Observer in all social media posts. Yet the Cali cartel was still a powerful drug cartel that used violence if it had to, especially during its conflict with the Medellin cartel, which took many lives on both sides. It was the first time the Attorney Generals Office declassified documents relating to the incidents, and proved authorities not only tolerated cartel activity but assisted it. Shortly after the brutal execution, the CDN faction of the Los Zetas struck once more. It would occur to many as an unacceptable surprise that Los Zetas recruits members in the United States. Thank you. They were believed to have been killed for refusing to pay a ransom or join the Then, on April 21, 2011, police arrested San Fernandos police chief and got a little closer to the truth. He said that the Zetas commanders ordered the killings because there was a government informant in the group. Families across Mexico reported that relatives had disappeared after boarding passenger buses bound for the Texas-Mexico border. WebCartel: Los Zetas Killed: Oct. 7, 2012 Lazcano was the leader of the Los Zetas cartel. Unlike some of its fragmenting rivals, CJNG's power is forecast to grow despite government pressure on their front companies and bank accounts. The way in which the killers carried The military gunned four Zetas members down, before capturing nine others and finding five abducted passengers inside the ranch. Border / Cartel ChroniclesBreitbart TexasCartel ChroniclesCartel ViolenceCDNCiudad VictoriaGrupo BravoLos ZetasVieja Escuela. She released videos of her beheading the caught zeta members herself. Cartel: Los Zetas SAN ANTONIO -- A father whose son went missing in 2011 took the stand Wednesday in the federal trial of an alleged war commander for Los Zetas drug cartel. They were the victims of a brutal new evolution in Mexican cartel violence. More terrifying is their ease of operations in countries like the US. The rescue was made possible by an anonymous tip about gunmen bringing victims into a house in the Villas de la Fe neighborhood. You can chip in for as little as 99 cents a month. Today, the cartel retains a small presence in southern Mexico. If the lawmakers are puppets to drug cartels, then there is very little hope that the war against the cartels will be won. Authorities expect more violence to ensue in the coming days. Upon his release, he was put in charge of the cartel in Nuevo Laredo but then relocated to Zacatecas and rose through the ranks of Los Zetas. Reyna discovered that his son's co-worker and girlfriend were also missing. Months after the casino attack, 49 decapitated bodies were dumped on a Monterrey highway (via Insight Crime/The World). On July 12, 2012, authorities seized over 50 kilograms of marijuana at the Del Rio port of entry. SAN ANTONIO, Texas - In San Antonio today, a federal judge sentenced 34-year-old Marciano Millan Vasquez, a high ranking member and a former sicario for the Los Zetas drug cartel, to seven consecutive life imprisonment sentences for committing and aiding and abetting the commission of numerous murders and other acts of violence, During his peak in the mid-1980s, Escobar established a debt collection service called "Oficina de Envigado," which was based in the town hall of Envigado. "[The government] told me not to go asking questions about my son. In and around Cali if the mafia doesn't like you, you just disappear.". If you dont pay them, they will take your merchandise, he says. He holds dual bachelor's degrees from Pace University and a master's degree from New York University. The killings could be a warning and a way of depriving the smugglers of their livelihoods. [3] By the end of 2011, Los Zetas had eclipsed the Sinaloa Cartel as the largest operating in Mexico by virtue of their geographic presence. This is a unique and distressing fact about the deadly gang. Since the war began, the fighting has resulted in daily kidnappings, shooting, drive by shootouts, beheadings, dismemberments and other gory executions. In 2015, U.S. law enforcement discovered a marijuana field in Texas with a market value of $2 million. The gunmen murdered a young girl by the name of Estefania Martinez Diaz, a woman by the name of Mara Campillo Mata and a man by the name of Miguel Angel Mendoza. Graphic from a 2011 NDIC national drug threat assessment. Mexico's largest and most powerful drug gangs are the Zetas and the Sinaloa cartel. The 34-year-old, known as "Chano", was a regional boss in the Mexican border town of Piedras Negras. WebIn 2010, the Zetas killed 72 undocumented immigrant workers in the San Fernando massacre. If Mexican governors have been indicted as Los Zetas collaborators, then there is a possibility that one day, the criminal organization could produce a governor from its ranks. The heartless drug lord is claimed to have personally killed 2,000 people, in addition to ordering and supervising thousands of other murders. De Leon said that his mother sold her house for $20,000 to help him, and that the Zetas let him loose with the stipulation that he must pay $100,000 more in one week. De Leon said that he helped Los Zetas stash drugs, transport firearms and deliver marijuana to drug mules along the river to be smuggled to the U.S. Led by the Beltran Leyva brothers Marcos Arturo, Carlos, Alfredo, and Hctor, the Beltran Leyva Organization (BLO)was a vicious drug cartel in the Mexican state of Sinaloa (via Insight Crime/Wilson Center). Masks, which were already compulsory on public transport, in enclosed public spaces, and outdoors in Paris in certain high-congestion areas around tourist sites, were made mandatory outdoors citywide on August 28 to fight the rising coronavirus infections, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe bows to the national flag at the start of a press conference at the prime minister official residence in Tokyo. Photo by Yuri Cortez/AFP/Getty Images. WebCartel Del Golfo interrogation 4 Zetas these bastards have admitted to raping women,killing women, killing kids. Breitbart Texas Cartel Chroniclesare published in both English and in their originalSpanish. Pope Francis prays with priests at the end of a limited public audience at the San Damaso courtyard in The Vatican, A girl's silhouette is seen from behind a fabric in a tent along a beach by Beit Lahia in the northern Gaza Strip, A Chinese woman takes a photo of herself in front of a flower display dedicated to frontline health care workers during the COVID-19 pandemic in Beijing, China. I know that police and transit officials in San Fernando help the Zetas organization, because rather than take detainees to the Pentgano, which is to say the municipal jail, they would deliver them to the Zetas, said lvaro Alba Terrazas, one of the 17 detained police officials. Similarly, the U.S. Department of Justicedefines cartels as, "large, highly sophisticated organizations composed of multiple drug trafficking organizations (DTOs)and cells with specific assignments such as drug transportation, security/enforcement, or money laundering.". The witness said that the commanders kidnapped him and his two superiors until they paid what they owed for the seized load of marijuana. The cartel leaders that subsequently took over after Moraless arrest were unable to stay in power for long, either being arrested or gunned down by a rival gang. This has led to savage fighting between some 400 splinter gangs, each killing and maiming for scraps of territory (via Business Insider). There is a huge consensus that Mexican drug cartels are responsible for the drug epidemic in the United States. Jeffrey Morris is a researcher and freelance writer with a passion for history and rarities. The two cartels enjoyed over a decade of business until the late 1990s, when the Gulf cartel had become self-sufficient. Los Zetas cartel members and San Fernando Massacre suspects being presented to the press on June 30, 2011. The kidnapping and murder of the SEIDO agents resembles the type of actions of another infamous Mexican crime group, the Zetas. Drug cartels influencing politics paints a picture of total disaster. The memo indicated that local police acted as lookouts and helped in the interceptions of persons across all cases. On March 13, 2013, De Leon and his father were apprehended by Border Patrol agents about three miles from the border near Comstock, TX. According to World Atlas, Tijuana had the highest homicide rate in the world in 2020, with 138 murder per 100,000 residents. Following the murder of 72 kidnapped migrants in August 2010, a subsequent investigation revealed that some Mexican policemen assisted the Zetas in committing the slaughter. FROM brutal beheadings to violent kidnappings, the cartel wars of Cancun have unleashed horror on Mexico's Caribbean coast as gangsters wreak havoc yards away from luxury resorts. This is because La Familia styled itself as the people's cartel by performing social work and employing civilians, which won both popularity and new recruits. They were given map reading courses, communications, and standard Special Forces training and instruction on how to use light and heavy weapons, machine guns, and several other automatic weapons. The LA Times found that from January 1988 to November 1991, drug traffickers killed up to 219 people in this area, disposing of their bodies in rivers. CJNG's battles with the Los Zetas and CRSL cartels are similarly brutal. Los Zetas is the largest drug cartel in Mexico in terms of scale of operations. Only in 2014 was this dynamic officially exposed in a memo from the Mexico Attorney Generals Office on the 2010 San Fernando Massacre, the 2011 San Fernando Massacre, and the recovery of 49 human torsos in 2012. These types of brutal dealings by Los Zetas originally a bodyguard group for another cartel upset the status quo. The chief and 16 of his 25 men were questioned under suspicion of helping the Zetas abduct, kill, and bury the passengers. From the mid-1980s to his death in 1993, Pablo Escobar was the "King of Cocaine," earning an estimated $420 million a week, according to Insider. ", The Gulf cartel's control in the northeast state of Tamaulipas has seen many violent incidents, both against rivals and each other. The office's purpose was to collect debts from Escobar's extensive trafficking network. Relatives of the victims have begun a Go Fund Me campaign in order to take the bodies of Garcia and her two daughters Galilea and Mariana to South Texas for burial. However, according to Insight Crime's profile, the cartel's influence has been compromised by arrests and infighting, limiting their territory to Tijuana, a vital smuggling city on the US-Mexico border. He was told to contact someone in Los Zetas to see if they had information. He claimed that he was blindfolded, handcuffed, driven to random locations around Piedras Negras, stripped of the blindfold, and forced to kneel and watch these brutal murders. De Leon will serve time in jail after pleading guilty to a marijuana charge. In 2018, analystParker Asmann dubbed the Sinaloa Cartel "Mexico's top crime group," despite El Chapo's arrest, trial and eventual detention in the United States. In August 2010, Zetas executed 72 migrants in Tamaulipas, which was followed by 2011 attacks in San Fernando and a Monterrey casino, killing a combined 245 people. [8] Los Zetas has been linked to several other mass murders in Mexico. Whatever the motivations, the mass killings show just how little control the federal government exerts over Tamaulipas. After the group's 1985 murder of DEA agentEnrique Camarena, the US and Mexico closed in on the cartel, causing several leaders to disperse across Mexico, leaving El Chapo and his partnerHctor Luis Palma Salazar as the Sinaloa chiefs. Multiple witnesses have testified that Millan-Vasquez controlled the region of Piedras Negras for Los Zetas and is responsible for hundreds of killings and disappearances. The macabre bloodsport was detailed in The Houston Chronicle. Based in the western state of Jalisco, CJNG was founded by Nemesio Oseguera Ramos, whose ongoing leadership has placed him on Mexican and American most wanted lists, both of which offer millions of dollars for information. She specializes in reporting on immigration and the U.S.-Mexico border. The fledgling cartel were trained by members of Los Zetas, yet they would turn on their mentors because of local resentment to Zetas' methamphetamine business. Jurors broke down in tears when De Leon described a mother and father being pulled by their hair and forced to watch their 6-year-old daughter dismembered alive before they faced the same, brutal death. The April 6, 2011, effort would eventually yield the largest mass grave ever found in Mexico. In August 2017, the cartel kidnapped 17 people and kept them in a stash house in Nuevo Laredo. Initially, the group was led by Osiel Crdenas Guilln, who recruited around 30 alumni from Mexico's special forces. And these lives are often innocent civilians caught up in the dreadful violence and corruption, such as the shootout in Tulum, which killed two tourists and injured three more, according toThe Guardian. In fact, CNNreported that Cali mobsters even invested in four 500-pound bombs, which they intended to somehow drop on Pablo Escobar. (Watch our piece Mexican Marines Kill Drug Lord Known as The Executioner.). WebMarciano 'Chano' Millan Vasquez, 34, was jailed in San Antonio, Texas, for 29 killings carried out for notorious northern Mexican gang Los Zetas between 2009 and 2015, as well as The gunmen used a large hammer to break down the door before storming the house shooting indiscriminately at the women and children inside. While older cartels were more interested in smuggling drugs than anything else, Los Zetas apparently has its sights set on any type of crime that translates into quick and steady cash. It operates in more than half of the countrys 32 states. In the past year, gunmen from Los Zetas Cartel performed unique retaliatory killings in response to their allys videotaped sexual assault behind bars. The Los Zetas cartel gunmen even executed the family dog. Get our latest in-depth reporting straight to your inbox. Colombian National Police/Wikimedia Commons, ShareAlike 4.0 International/BaptisteGrandGrand. The Mexican military has been trying unsuccessfully for years to dismantle an extensive network of radio antennas built and operated by the Los Zetas drug cartel. You can contact her at [emailprotected]. Authorities had been notified of missing passengers from Highway 101 on May 24 and May 29, with soldiers following a tip that led them to the La Joya ranch a few miles off the road. Rather than prioritizing corruption like its competitors, Los Zetas has Officials are still counting the dead, but, as of this writing, the bodies numbered nearly 200. Follow @NewsHourWorld The FBI and the IRS eventually built a case against Morales and others, leading to his arrest. Miguel Angel Trevino Morales (aka Comandante 40) Since 2011, there have been numerous scandals exposing the collusion between politicians and drug cartels. Articles must link back to the original article and contain the following attribution at the top of the story: This article was originally published by the, Articles cannot be rewritten, edited or changed beyond alignments with house style books. Rodriguez said that when he asked a commander about Reyna's son who disappeared, the commander said for him to stop asking about it, because they just finished "cooking him". Instead, they were raped and beaten to death or vanished into a new life as cartel soldiers. Some had been killed by sledgehammer. Traditionally, Mexican cartels like Los Zetas only grew and manufactured drugs in Mexican territory and other less advanced countries where government officials were collaborators or incapable of disrupting their operations. Cartel: Los Zetas The two men who were also gunned down have been identified as Cruz Felipe Pizana Saldivar and Angel Carrizales Amaya. //

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