lyran starseed symbolswhen we were young concert 2022

That said, they may have a few of the following physical traits: These starseeds may look older than they actually are. Its also likely that the sight of space tugs at your naturally inquisitive mind. I just feel very connected to Lyrans can i have more information. So rather than becoming an expert in one single area, you cultivate talent and skill in various activities and fields. They rarely want for anything. People are drawn to them because of their gentle nature, but they should be cautious not to be taken advantage of by others exploiting this loving side of their personality. As for fire, it is actually one of the things that the Lyrans great knowledge helped to create in ancient history. may have Lyran starseed traits, particularly cat-like or lion-like traits; . Thoth says, the wisdom of the Universe can be placed on a single feather. You are a doing person who like to go all in. Now is the time to keep a dream journal, practice voluntary astral projection, etc. Anyone whos had the chance to be in bed with a Lyran Starseed can count themselves lucy very lucky! I have a deep connection with them. But you quickly realize that the other person isnt compatible with you. Thanks! Here are 4 telling traits a Lyran Starseed shows in their relationships. You get excited when people succeed, or try to better themselves. You may wonder why people get so upset about trivial things. Thank you so much for all this beautiful and truthful information, Am so amazed, your article explains my life, sometimes sometimes I see things in my head and I begin to question if its hallucinations or some 1970s starwars franchise going on in my head, most amazingly I came across esoteric ebooks and I feel so connected like most of the events happened before my very eyes, Aho, I share the same sight multidimensional vision. Even though theyre not really born with vivid memories of their origins, these people can exhibit certain traits, characteristics, and motivations. When I learned that Lyran humans might have been the first, prior to Dragon Anunaki, it led me to your youtube post. If things change and they need to pivot at the last minute, they can do it with flair. Our souls are thousands of years old. I had connections to the pleiades, arcturians and siriansbut felt not to fit in there. Lyran Starseed traits and characteristics include: An older air or appearance. Their eyes may be brown, blue or sometimes green in color. They are one of the oldest races in the universe, and are considered to be the original keepers of ancient knowledge. Starseeds came to Earth for a divine purpose. Thank you! Authority is essentially a byproduct of ego, as it makes you believe you should have power over other beings. I mentioned them earlier. Theyre very smart and believe in their abilities. Why are Lyran Starseeds so inspiring? I used to be extremely skeptical of psychics and their knowledge of starseeds myself. This is one of the main reasons people gravitate toward you. You wouldnt be here if youre not going through a spiritual awakening I have made a video how you can know for sure which starseed you are here: The Lyrans understand that the level of consciousness on planet Earth has an effect on every other part of the universe, as everything in intrinsically linked. Well, enough left to explore, I am a Lyran with characteristics from other Starseeds as well. Lyrans are incarnated into other star systems also: Pleiades, Sirius, and Arcturus. After a pivotal trip to Asia she founded Journeys Of Life to share her knowledge with others. If youre a Lyran starseed, its likely that other people look to you when things go pear-shaped. In addition, the popular cat goddesses Bast (Bastet) and Sekhmet. Lyran starseeds are incarnated souls from Lyra who have come to . Lyran starseeds are similar. They seem to want to keep me stuck with them. 1. Thanks for the knowledge! In their mind its a very small price to pay! <3, Glad you resonated with the article Valerie! Click here to get your own personalized starseed reading, Click here to get your personalized starseed reading, activities that are both physically and mentally stimulating, Click here to get your own professional starseed reading, Dreaming of someone you dont know? This usually isnt overt they dont wrinkle or go gray faster, but more like a general aura of age. In addition, Lyran starseed markings show up on birth charts. Lyran Starseed Love and Twinflames Lyran Starseeds often tend to have love and twin flames who are also Lyrans. The insight is the perfect piece at the perfect time. This is a very sophisticated tool using advanced artificial intelligence and neural network modeling. Lets start with a defining trait that sets Lyran Starseeds apart from many other starseed types. I will be returning to my ancestors the LYRANS. I want to work as an entrepreneur. But if theres a part of you that still wants to know more, I recommend speaking to a genuine advisor. I can not explain it in words I feel that there are wonderful vibrations in the text. After everything that Lyrans have been through, it stands to reason that theyd be pretty unshakeable. Lyrans. Lyrans are some of the oldest souls in our galaxy and have incarnated into several other star systems including Arcturus, Sirius and the Pleiades. Now that youre familiar with the common characteristics and traits of Lyran starseeds, its time to do a little self-reflection. Lyrans are some of the oldest starseed souls, and this explains why they tend to be some of the most experienced. I can say for sure that this is my family group and I love them all. It also helps that they are extremely intelligent. Youre quite comfortable with the concept of exploring new things, both in the physical world as well as in your spiritual life. Im in the middle of my awakening, I believe, and I could really really use some guidance? Nurturer? This explains why Lyran Starseeds often pave the way to great change. Weve already seen several telltale signs that you could be a Lyran starseed. Julia is the founder of The Spirit Nomad and helps lightworkers step into their power and soul mission. You are able to detach from manmade constructs like money, status or possessions and instead derive your happiness from within. Thank you for your service, love and light dear one. So i wanted to say thank you and please keep up the work you are doing. You trust the flow of life. Its already difficult for a regular human to figure out their purpose, let alone of the most advanced and evolved ancient spiritual races! Andromeda is the 19th biggest star constellation in the night sky, occupying an area of 722 square degrees., and is located in the northern sky. This is referring to physical life, but your spiritual grounding allows you to transcend these challenges. I can not explain in english, what I felt when I read this infrmation I hug from my heart to your heart, dear light! They taught early man and are said to have made Lemuria and Atlantis the mighty civilizations they once were. They tend to be involved in sports at a young age and stay active into their golden years. I have been doing some research now and feel very connected to the Lyran Starseed! You just need to remain conscious of this tendency so you can become aware when youre starting to inadvertently slip out of peoples lives. You have the Lyran starseed markings and traits. If you're a Sirian starseed descendant from Lyra, dreams come naturally to you. You feel like youve been around for a long time, even as you continue to discover new things about the universe. They were invested in humanitys development, so it stands to reason that their descendants are just as fascinated by ancient civilizations. Giver? I feel that indeed, I am Lyran starseed. I am not a good fit in this role she wants to give me. Lyran starseeds are caring, strong and compassionate. But Lyrans are a little different. Are you a Lyran starseed? Fierce, cunning, and tactical, they may adopt the archetype of a "freedom fighter," identifying injustices and fighting for worthy causes. You might also be sensitive to stimulants like coffee, alcohol and even dark chocolate. On star maps, it's represented by a vulture or eagle carrying a lyre one of the Lyran Starseed activation symbols. Heres another big sign that youre a Lyran Starseed you have a strong sense of social justice and fairness, and you will fight for what is right without hesitation. So it will be. I thought was a Sirian Starseed, but the traits seemed a bit off and I didnt fell a genuine connection to that constellation. Youll help others realize their true nature and transcend the limitations of the human experience. I was watching TV, we had satellite because it was the early 90s, and as soon as my mom walked out the door, the TV went to the old static no signal screen or the snow screen as Ive heard it referred to, and in the upper corner of the screen a very small head appeared and then it moved 3 dimensionally in a downward arch and got closer which made the head larger too. You hate the idea of spending all your time and attention on just one thing as then youd have to give up all the others you love just as much! You are not IN the universe, you ARE the universe, an intrinsic part of it. Are you a teacher? You have a high need for variety, so when the relationship falls into a humdrum routine, your passion inevitably fades away. Am I a Lyran starseed, and what is my purpose in the physical world? You dont waste time on relationships that arent going anywhere, and so you end things and start looking for something new. Thank you very much! <3. Orion is one of the most well-known and most easily spotted constellations in the night sky. But what now? Leader? OMG this video is so spot on I just cant believe it! Lyrans also find themselves attracted to healing crystals and objects that are considered sacred. If more than one type resonates with you, its likely that youve had incarnations in all those star systems. And youre completely right: chaos is definitely a necessary component of life. Your articles are really helpful! Even if I am an employee, I am a boss of my life. If youre interested in chatting, feel free to email me anytime. You have probably been labeled as an introvert or loner. A Lyran starseed can only shine their light and inspire others by being the most fulfilled version of themselves first. Lyran starseed traits vary by type, meaning youll have different qualities if youre of the Feline race or Avian. The world is their oyster! I appreciate every one of you and hope you decide to connect with me further by commenting your thoughts and f. Thank you so much for all your work getting this information together for many of us. What is the purpose of Lyran starseeds on planet Earth? It is helping collective consciousness, and thus humanity. I thinkm tgat my present boss also is Lyran. I believe there are more Feline Lyran starseeds than Avian. This sense of purpose probably first materialized when you were a young child, born out of a deep curiosity. These ancient humanoids are very humanlike in appearance, although many of the Lyran race have cat-like features and air about them. I have been having a wild spiritual awakening. When it comes to your body, you put a lot of effort into taking care of it. Love and light beautiful one. Reading this made my energy escalate to the point that my Hannes felt like they were on fire. I connected with someone and they have been talking to me about it. Lyran starseeds are the oldest souls in our whole galaxy. Lyrans are a very special type of starseed. Unlike other races that feel they are just here to help, true Lyrans do not feel the belong elsewhere, or have a sense of missing our home.. Rather, your inner strength and thoughts are so deep that they tend to pull you inward. Some of you are literally Lyrans of Lyra Aramatena or Sirians from system planet Sirius . If you were described as an independent or rebellious child, you might be a Lyran starseed. Driven by their strong curiosity, Lyrans are always on the lookout for new experiences. It is said that 45 Felines volunteered to come to this universe to observe and set up the Universal gamer that they had completed in their universe. This curiosity keeps you moving forward rather than getting hung up on things which you wish could be different. Im a very old soul (I have learned) and have incarnated in so many different star systems that I identify with more than one, which has been confirmed through the specific starseed markings in my astrology chart and channeled readings from a few people of these many different incarnations. If you want to learn more about Lyran Starseeds and find out if you're indeed one, read on. When your in alighnment with the all of everything, the All of everything is in alighnment with you. You might know the Feline star races through the Ancient Egyptian cat goddesses Bastet and Sekhmet. Each wants to accomplish something, whether thats guiding humanity through a transitional period or guiding our advancement. Lyran starseeds are usually average to slightly above average height. Another typical trait of Lyran Starseeds is their independence. Also because I have a strong connection to lions and to the leo star sign as well also with regards to my physical attributes Well, maybe Ill overcome my doubts someday Either way, thank you so much for sharing! You want to be able to enjoy life and live it fully. Do you have any other information regarding Lyrans? The brightest star in it is Vega, which is thought to have been the centerpoint of the Lyran Starseeds first home. As far as I can remember, since when I was 15 yrs old I started recognizing my zodiac which is Leo. You may find that you dont even really need help or encouragement here. Here are the 7 biggest signs of a Lyran starseed based on their interests and natural gifts. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); To learn more about the Otherworldly Oracles website Privacy Policy, visit our Privacy Policy page here. Lyran Starseeds are gifted with great psychic abilities, and especially manifestation. I also started writing a story weeks ago where everyone takes shapes of different beings and mine was similar to myself but with cat ears, a tail and toned nails. Lyran starseeds are adventurous people who often have a rebellious streak starting in childhood. Lyrans are here to help us realize our true nature. The Avians are some of the oldest beings in our Universe and theres speculation they come from another Universe entirely. This was just one of many confirmations Ive received. I instantly went to look it up. This is a great way to explore life and discover new hobbies that can make you happy. It also had what looked like a crown on its head. You love to travel, and youre able to adapt to different environments quite easily too. Theyve gone through a lot of cycles of reincarnation, and their easygoing and adaptable natures mean that theyre good at keeping both feet on the ground. Ive found fasting, nature time, meditation with light codes have really helped. This means building altars, providing offerings, invocation, prayer, etc. Lyran starseeds have a bit of a reputation for hedonism. You can wait and eventually figure out how to use them on your own. Having a look at yours is another great way to tell if youre a Lyran starseed. You may feel compelled to help others solve their problems. The Lyrans are some of the oldest souls in our galaxy. If you decide to go on a spiritual journey to the Lyra constellation, ensure you have an anchor on this planet and guides to take you there and back. Why sit around doing nothing when theres a whole world out there to enjoy? Everything else is just an identity The Spiritual Meaning Of Sneezing 2, 3, 4 Times & More! To people who might not know you very well, you can come across as aloof or serious, but as they get to know you they see you are actually sensitive and passionate about helping others and being of service. Lyran starseeds are adventurous people who often have a rebellious streak starting in childhood. You see the experiences of life as something to learn from rather than dwell on. This is thought to be due to their origination from the Felines, one of the two primary races in our universe. NASA isnt launching most of us into space in our lifetimes. Without that, you wouldnt be on this incredible journey as a starseed on Earth. It is the small constellation that is surrounded by Hercules, Cygnus, and Draco. However, that isnt to say theyve forgotten their heritage. Without it, everything would become too predictable and boring. Id love to have connections with tigers and if it ever becomes real to have a tiny miniture tiger the size of a cat to live with me, count me in. You can do the same too just speak to an advisor wholl give you the answers youre looking for. He channeled the script as a way of sharing with us some of our galactic history. Would live to connect with other Lyran Soul Family, and find out more about them. Its just so weird that I feel like I dont fit in, theres something wrong and its like Im just an observer of what happening around if that makes sense. This confidence also means youre not afraid to speak your mind and stand up for your values. And not even rejection, setbacks, or criticism can stop you. You might even feel a deep sense of peace, connection, or nostalgia when looking up at the night sky. Click here to get your own professional starseed reading. Its just as likely to be their problem-solving and goal-pursuing abilities at work. Im Ryan. Lyrans were a very ancient race that are said to have helped ancient humans do things like use fire. Lyran Starseeds are ambitious, and they dont let anything get in the way of their goals. Speechless. While you might feel like you dont want to be on this planet, remember you came here for a reason. I was given a reading that said I was Lyran from planet Shreliak. There is usually a good reason why you were provoked. I recently came across someone that channels the starseeds and I was told my main lifetime I was eliphaunt people and my other life was lion people I cant find much on eliphaunt people I have found some interesting info on lion people I do remember as a child having bad dreams of little people tying me down with ropes every night unless I slept in my grandmas room so I slept there a lot as a young kid.. thank you for this beautiful info hopefully I can connect with more people like me and maybe fully connect all this better. These Starseeds are highly spontaneous and persistent and always have extremely high . At home now, I have three cats! This means you can easily excel at work, but also that you are more prone to burn out. You have so many goals that its hard to focus on all of them at once and you dont like to wait for things to happen. My name is Daniel ive been seeing alot of eagles lately and finding alot of unusual things. Hope you enjoy the journey with me. Over time, their distinctive features have become blurred and almost indistinguishable from other humans. Lyran Starseed. Its honestly mind-blowing. I can not even bare to think of being alive without having cats in my life. After some remembering I was able to forgive and let go of those emotions from so many life times. These arent guaranteed attributes, but can give you something else to look for if youre wondering about your potential starseed origins. Its said that they contributed their knowledge and technology to these civilizations and were responsible for much of humanitys early advancements. Now, I know what you might be thinking. Lyran starseeds are dyed-in-the-wool ambiverts. But its impact on our planet started long before time was invented. I would like to add that there is a deeper reason why we are here. The silver lining of this ancestral experience is that it encoded you with great perseverance. Especially my bossees: they seem to like my work that benefits them, and of course, they like when I encourage them but they do not give the same in return. She enjoys a good party, relaxation, and will help you explore your past lives on earth. The first word that comes to mind is one of awe..WOW! Feline Lyran Starseed Traits: cat-like appearance: almond shapes eyes and cat-like nose hard-working, you don't mind physical labor enjoy fitness and healthy lifestyle you need more sleep than the average person (9+ hours) taking great pleasure in physical joys: intimacy, food, travel, etc. Through spiritual awakening, starseeds activate their powers. Lyra is a small star constellation viewable in the Summer months in the Northern Hemisphere. Lyran starseeds are all about getting results and achieving their goals, but they arent necessarily happy to wait around for that to happen. If youre highly intelligent, you may be a Lyran starseed. Yeah he has that energy, but I dont know for sure , Im definitely not just one Starseed race and many humans arent, as the origination point is always Source- that I AM. Nobody else than me can know what I want from my carreer, my life, what I like and what is the best for me. Lets have a look at them in more detail. As a result, their attention is stretched thin, and they may begin to neglect the people in their lives whether its their partner, friends, or family. Let's get into the starseed signs! Some say that this is because Lyran starseeds naturally have very high vibrations. It gives you a foundation for life and helps you feel grounded and withstand challenges. Looking out into the vast emptiness of space at night is extremely enjoyable for you. Learning how to connect with your dreams, dream symbols and cycles as a Sirian starseed is an invaluable skill. You feel a strong sense of inner solidity regardless of your life situation. the most vivid ones These past weeks. They also prefer meaningful connections over shallow or trivial ones. The ability to fly was added for personal enjoyment. I am a retired International Flight Attendant and recently a retired Registered Nurse, so I feel Ive done my duty, but I know I have more to give . And it was one of the best decisions Ive ever made. You might even have a career in one of these fields. You accept that there is good and bad in the world, but believe that humans have the potential to be much more than they are currently. What is a Lyran Starseed? The Feline star beings who aided in the creation of man can be seen all over Ancient Egypt. 2. Be sure to set an alarm to bring yourself back. I did, and Ive never looked back since. Of course, you might still be affected when something unexpected comes up, or things go completely sideways. With so many amazing qualities, its no surprise that Lyran Starseeds pull others towards them like a magnet. There are two main types of Lyran starseeds and star ancestors that we know of: the Felines (cat-people) and the Avians (bird-people). Nice article overall. I would like to know the bigger reason why we are here. If youre a Lyran starseed, you might find yourself drawn to space, stars, science fiction, and even the study of space travel. You have a healthy skepticism of things you dont know or understand, and an unwavering desire to learn more. Most importantly, what is your Lyran Starseed mission? Here are two telltale signs that youre a Lyran Starseed you have a strange affinity for cats, as well as the element of fire. Doing so brings questions to your mind, and makes you curious about the nature of existence. Even in their human form, Lyran Starseeds are encoded with Lyran DNA and ancient wisdom that will unlock after their starseed awakening. Starseeds are said to be alien souls who incarnate as regular human beings. Active, Energetic & Adventurous. I was stargazing via an app called Night Sky (great app btw) and came across Vega. You dont want to miss out on anything that feels good and exciting. It costs much less than you might think. We two cats need space around us! You understand that fear is a part of life, but you can CHOOSE to let it govern you or use it as fuel to push forward. This is completely understandable but of course, deep down you want to give your loved ones the time, attention, and care they deserve. Didnt the Lyran seed the Arcturians and the Arcturian seeded the Pleiadians. You might even feel like you have to be careful what you wish for. Lyran Starseeds also make excellent athletes as they enjoy physical activities, pushing their limits, and competing fearlessly. You're an old soul Lyran starseeds carry undeniable elder energy. The Five Of Cups: How To Tell If It Means Yes Or No, The King Of Pentacles As Feelings: The Surprising Meaning, The Queen Of Pentacles As Feelings: What It Really Means, The Spiritual Meaning Of Yellow: An In-Depth Guide, The True Spiritual Meaning Of A Frog Inside The House, Mongolian Spot Spiritual Meanings: The Complete Guide, How To Tell If Youre A Sirian Starseed (All Traits), How To Tell If Youre An Orion Starseed: Traits & Markings, How To Tell If Youre An Arcturian Starseed (All Traits), How To Tell If Youre An Andromedan Starseed: 13 Traits. It all helps. It was wiped out during the Draco-Lyran war against power, greed, and control. Alongside their freedom, Lyran starseeds are also fans of spontaneity. Yes Ive woken recently after hell. Due to their individuality and self-confidence, they may present their appearance in a unique way and are unlikely to follow trends. However, be aware that this can make you burn out as a result. Theyre sociable, but can also seem quiet and mysterious. Felt like I should be reaching out to you because the day you wrote this comment 9, 15, Ive been seeing this every where I look during this transcending to 5d. If anyone resonates with more than one, feel into that and follow your intuition <3, Hey! One of the characteristics of Lyran starseeds is that theyre confident and never run from a challenge, so its probably not a surprise that they dont falter when it comes to pursuing their desires. As a Lyran starseed, you might already have vivid dreams, lucid dreams, and/or naturally astral travel in your dreams. It makes it easier to overcome challenges. But what exactly is a Lyran Starseed, and what are the signs that youre a Lyran Starseed? Lyran starseeds are all about adventure. As with their hair, they may use their skin to express themselves. I have actually made a video about how you can know for sure which starseed you are. Not just these, but every single site and video that lists them describes me as a person exactly. That perhaps humans arise from a mixture of evolution and creation, of sorts. So even if youre tall, short, thin, muscular, dark, or light-skinned, it doesnt define or change who you are in your core. The sacral chakra is right above, just below the navel. Maybe we are more than we think Just like Pleiadian starseeds, you would make an excellent leader. This might sound a tad bit selfish but thats far from the truth. And the best way to know for sure is to speak with a gifted advisor at Psychic Source. instead they wanted to Starseed their own races. (I can, but as way of saying :p). I was either a lion, or was being eaten by a lion, but was in no pain and had no fear whatsoever. planet .doesnt have any $$$$ on it. You may find yourself deeply curious about the nature of existence and the creation of the universe. Id love to hear your thoughts in the comments! A Lyran Starseed comes from different planets, galaxies, and star systems. If youre not sure what your souls path is, Soul Manifestation has a tool I think you will like. You dont want to waste any time on anything that doesnt contribute to your overall health and well-being which is why you pursue activities that are both physically and mentally stimulating. These two chakras help you approach life with a mixture of sensibility and joy. Hey there! The Lyra constellation is in the shape of a harp, right? They are not from the same planet as us, but rather a different star system. In my regression session one of my very close red headed friends were present in the form of a red cat.

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