mantle and anointingwhen we were young concert 2022

No coveting of mantles! Chosen specifically for those who desire to move in the prophetic. This is an awesome article which has been well researched and put together but this is a fly in the ointment. Lets pray so that God can reveal to you what it is. The poor person who is wise and has understanding can see through the pretentious facade of one who seems to have it all There are many things you can do with a kingly anointing. But with this message, I appreciate and thank God for what I have and who I am. He used the people in those towns to build and later on when his son Rehoboam was king the people began to complain about the hard labor and heavy taxes they faced at the hand of Solomon (2 Chronicles 10). One of them always says to me when I approach dont you start with me now I know what he means because there is a line of people the minute he starts serving me. If you go back and reread the same thing a few months later you may see something you didnt see before. So the only thing Solomon got from David was the plans to build the temple and the building materials. Maybe only one person where it was mature and in full operation and others where it was still in infancy stage. Behold, a son shall be born to you, who shall be a man of rest; and I will give him rest from all his enemies all around. Then I see a light come out of heaven and go through one side of the prism. Sometimes we pass those wars on to our children. Again, Joseph gets falsely accused by Potiphars wife for attempted rape so he was thrown in prison. There is definitely sadness in Solomon when you get Ecclesiastes 12. Serving with faithfulness and a teachable heart is a powerful means of being positioned to attain your God-ordained destiny. 21But afterward you wouldnt have known it, for they were still as thin and scrawny as before! But if you do evil, be afraid; for he does not bear the sword in vain; for he is Gods minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil. Well, anything is possible with God. I was just searching on revelation scriptures today on google and I came across this website. Those two characters all were anointed but ended differently. P.O. Wrong Alignment. I think God put that there for us to see his progression which means he moved from one position to another, one level to another. The anointing is from God. Very well said, I agree one should always respect a position even if they do not care for or agree with the person in it. And, I have seen many people with a hybrid mantle which is more than one, sometimes even 3, rolled into one. Thank you for the uplifting word. Yahweh is prophesying what He already sees in the future. In Part 1, there is a foundational teaching on mantles and anointings. I thank the Lord for giving you this revelation. That is absolutely ludacris. 2Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves. I texted him back telling him some nonsense about dis-ease, but he didnt reply back. It doesnt matter how close your parents or grand parents were to Jesus or how devoted they were to Him. Your email address will not be published. God still honored what he did even though he was walking in disobedience. His brothers took it when they sold him into slavery (Genesis 37:23). Some pieces are falling into place after reading parts 2 and 3. You vote. He just told them the dream and they interpreted it. 21But the Lord was with Joseph in the prison and showed him his faithful love. Then I woke up. Solomons Mantle is a very rare thing in the body of Christ. But wait, I said to the Lord where is The Spirit of Might? However a pastor can have church for years, with a growing congregation and zero anointing. Definition is glory, cloak, glory, splendour, magnificence (of a vine, shepherds), mantle, cloak made of fur or fine material Now GOD can do anything He wants and make you skip steps and accelerate you through a process but you still need to start somewhere and with faithfulness, He will move you. The lesson learned is, there is a purpose why God made us who we are. After the demons left the room, I felt the force that was holding us in our seats lift and we were able to stand up. Im in a state where it seems like Im about to come out of the preparation process (aka wilderness season). Do you offer online Bible studies. What a lesson. The current state of the United States of America presidency is a perfect example. While both handled wealth, Solomon was the owner of what he had while Joseph was a distributor of what he had and he didnt own it. Speaks to me of faith, boldness, being an overcomer. In this book you will discover: As Holy Spirit is to the believer, so the Area of Serving is to the Ekklesia.The Area of Serving is about to change from the way we know it!The Mantle and Anointing of Stephen will be the identifying characteristics of the end-time Guards and Laborers.Out of the heart of a Servant Leader, the motivation to serve . Same rule applies with marketplace ministry. The Lord said to Elijah, "Go and anoint, as prophet in your place, Elijah.". Be strong, and do the work.. Ive was raised Baptist since birth. (1 Kings 11:9-13) While we may not have Solomons Mantle, Im pretty sure throughout our lives God has given us moments of rest from our enemies. Pretty cool how 3 Marys were at Jesus side and appeared to them first. Their parents did that for them. So you see there is something to this God save the Queen. Please understand that even though the first 2 mantles were taken or apparently stolen from him, this never changed anything in the realm of the spirit. I was just speaking to him that He is the one that release wealth to whom he pleases. If you feel that you may have this anointing on your life your highest priority should be to go through the process and the purification of the Lord so that you can walk in this mantle. But he didnt go from being a youngster with prophetic dreams directly to the palace. Biden served before the mantle was transferred to him. He was always fighting. God always positions us exactly where he wants us to be, even when it appears that things are not going as planned. Prophetic Word: The Josephs & Esthers are rising. Now lets look at this in the spiritual using these same principles. People are malnourished and need meat and potatoes. Self Reliance. So, you will change from mantle to mantle until you get to the final position. Im sure if you went through the bible and read any of the stories of the greats, Abraham, Moses, David, Deborah, Esther you would probably be able to identify the 7 Spirits of God on them. The plan for death landed him in the house of Potiphar who was the captains of Pharoahs army. If you look at the First ladies of the US, they all looked like the First lady before they became the First lady. 32As for having two similar dreams, it means that these events have been decreed by God, and he will soon make them happen (The Spirit of Understanding). 5From the day Joseph was put in charge of his masters household and property, the Lord began to bless Potiphars household for Josephs sake. Humility arises when we have no other options and we cant think our way out of a situation. Required fields are marked *. And I give God glory for making me to stumble on this website. While this was a strategic move that probably caused him to continue living in ease without much war, these same foreign women pull him away from walking with the Lord. He replied saying to me that I am Joseph and that was all. Were these in the will of God too? 25Joseph responded, Both of Pharaohs dreams mean the same thing (The Spirit of Knowledge). Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle and Prophetic Ministries Today is approved by the IRS as a 501(c)3 Tax-Exempted Non-profit Corporation and is listed as a Digital Electronic Church and a Brick and Mortar Congregation. Lately God has been stressing the need to relook at my relationships/covenants especially in the workplace and even among my Christian friends. Samuel didnt even know who he was anointing when He went to Jesses house. He actually didnt give his wealth to Solomon (1 Chronicles 29:3-5). He never told the Pharaoh that he was falsely accused like he did when he was in prison. At the very end I will show you what the "secret ingredient" was to his overall success. So David fought about 9 battles, thats not counting all the running he had to do from Saul or even Goliath. Required fields are marked *. I saw a video on my feed and the title says They present themselves very well. People should be able to clearly see if this is on your life. The people voted, God placed the anointing and mantle of the office on the person the people chose. Its so deep. So there is a time of process that we all have to go through from the moment God starts moving us into our role and purpose. All his household affairs ran smoothly, and his crops and livestock flourished. The desire God places in our hearts is just one indication, among other confirmations, of the calling that is ours. Unlike Solomon, Rehoboam actually inherited all his money. Verse Concepts. Yahweh Elohim, you knew me from my mothers womb, you formed and fashioned me with purpose. Coming back to the laziness, Im sure he may have thought it would be so much easier to make his enemies family members instead of going to war with them. Joseph ended well and I think it was because of what he had to go through in his life. Saul was requested by the people and allowed by GOD and not everyone ascends to authority that way. So theres no use arguing with God about your destiny. Contact: whatsapp or Call 002330542533200-00233248100101Web: www.prophetfranciskwateng.comFacebook: The Prophet Elisha received the Prophet Elijah's . I cant wait to see what emerges in and through your life, you are an amazing woman of God. God used Jacob, Potiphar, a prison warden, and ultimately Pharoah himself, to appoint Joseph to a position in Egypt that was already his through Gods intention. Favor. On the first layer what we are looking at is Joseph using a gift of dream interpretation and a gift of wisdom (wisdom is the application of the knowledge). I admonished her to stop pushing it away and start embracing what God has anointed her to do. Your email address will not be published. When you operate and live out of the pure light, there can be no darkness. The parents dug those trenches and laid the foundation so when they get there all the ground work has been laid and they just need to build, increase, multiply and grow. And it is the same today. He put him in charge of his entire household and everything he owned. It is so important who you are making covenant with because these are the people who have the power to make or break you. But I think Im crazy now or just had vision bc Jesus went 49 days without eating and that could cause ppl to see things and they would lock Moses up today for saying he say a burning bush or hear God. You have to die to yourself. And we should obey God's spiritual laws that are in place by not cursing the person wearing the mantle or we will call judgement upon ourselves as we read before in Romans 13:1-7. If we look at this spiritually, this would be other people in the family of God who are not fully with you. If you dont have natural children you are a mentor to someone else and they may reap from the work you did. There is a lady that I know and the first time I heard her signing the Lord gave me a prophetic word for her. Later, Potiphar gave him a cloak, as a head slave in Potiphars household. If you can buy anything that you need it would be much easier for you to rely on your own strength and money than go to God. (Acts 6:6, Acts 13:1-3). Generally have their eye on the prize. Another reference for the Hebrew word for mantle addereth, Strong's Number <0155> also means "glory. Aaron was punished later by not being allowed to enter into the promise land (Numbers 20:22-29). Yes Ibrahim, good points! 7Render therefore to all their due: taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to whom customs, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honor. Elijahs mantle was more than the regular cloak that he wore. When it exited the other side I see the 7 colors of the rainbow. The Anointing, the Mantle and the Glory By Frequency Revelator Ebook USD 9.99 Add to Cart Share This Publication clearly portrays the progressive transition and migration from the realm of the anointing, through the mantle to the realm of glory, which are different aspects of manifestation of God's power. Prophetic word for December 2018 Tevet 5779, The Hebraic Calendar First Fruits Blessing Prayers, pleading the blood of jesus prayer points, Mantles and Anointings Part 3 Solomons Anointing, In The Power of His Might: Spiritual Warfare Strategies Volume I, Prophetic Word Pay attention to the Boys, Coronavirus COVID-19 Prayers and Bible Verses, Hedge of Thorns Prayer for the Unfaithful Spouse, A Prayer for Physical Healing against various diseases and illnesses, Binding and Loosing: The keys to the Kingdom and Exercising your Spiritual Authority, Prophetic Word February 2023 -Sauls Armor. You can never get darkness when you start with The Light. 1 Chronicles 28:19Every part of this plan, David told Solomon, was given to me in writing from the hand of the Lord. And then there is a 3rd and 4th layer when so much more gets revealed that you didnt see the first 2 times you read it. You pray and you fast (water fast is a power fast for deliverance, Daniel Fast is a revelatory fast) until you get delivered from it. This is true value of practical wisdom. Later, Joseph became a trusted slave, promoted and given charge over all his master Potiphars estate. So what was that? It was the 7 Spirits of God. Bless you. 36That way there will be enough to eat when the seven years of famine come to the land of Egypt. If you want to be used powerfully by the Lord in your giftings, which you obviously have because you are not crazy, then you will need to learn to control your tongue. If you seek him, you will find him. Did you read the prophetic word for 2019? You just cant. The President or Prime Minister of your country wears a mantle. Therefore if he attacked him he was coming against the position and authority of his mantle. When Aaron and Miriam, complained and criticized Moses for his interracial marriage only Miriam was cursed with leprosy. Who knows? 3. It takes time. Its wonderful and Id love to have it, but I dont want to go thru what you are to get it. I couldnt understand that until you said that. Ive been in the refinery process for about 2 years now. They dress how they see themselves, they are it before they become it. God save the Queen. May we never waste time but number our days so we may gain a heart of wisdom. Your posts are keys that are opening up my understanding and Im am forever grateful. Everything that I have written here is a really good springboard for you to read the book of Ecclesiastes. Now we only get seasons of freedom & time as little tests (I believe) from the Lord to see if we will still have the same level of diligence. This is not just a singer, it is deliverance minister using song. am puzzled . Thanks for sharing this insightful revelation with us. "Anointing" (The Process of God's Anointing His Servant Elisha) I Kings 19:19-21 "Next Level" Leaders Are: Serving . Famine will destroy the land. Anyway, back to the story of this ladythe first time I heard her sing I got a flashback to this concert and what happened there. (3) Therefore, you need to learn the power of silence. It was all over his presentation. If God were to give you the final mantle now you would probably fail because there are many things you need to learn before you can take on that position. I have been praying to the Lord for Clarity on his mission message and mandate for me and the marketplace and the kingdom and in the world and this article spoke directly to my spirit it gave me confirmation on things that God has said to me has shown me that I have written down the story of Joseph was the mantle that I felt months ago when my Apostle asked me what was God crowning my year with thank you for writing this article I thank God for giving you the words for this article they would definitely for my Divine place I thank you so much. (2 Kings 2:12-13), Joseph had a series of physical mantles along the way. Thank you for molding me into your image and for using me to glorify You in all the earth, in Jesus name, Amen. (1 Kings 4:29-34), 2. They are very focused because they know what they want. Do you want to be unafraid of the authority? The colors are the blessings, the anointing that is bequeathed to the family of God. You may agree or disagree with the points I will make but Im going to back up all of it with scriptural references and I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments. And, yes you can have a mantle that encompasses many different things. But God did not correct me when I said pink. And everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure" (1 John 3:2-3). They are so helpful. I get in This stuff for hours a day. This post is a blessing! Privacy Guarantee: Enliven Ministries will never share your e-mail address with anyone else. However, this time I decided to use it as a teachable moment for those who are having similar experiences or may feel the way you do, even if they may see things differently. I turn around and there is like 10 people behind me. Baptized around age 10 or 11 after I felt it was calling in front of my congregation. I read part 1 and part 2 to better understand part 3. By Heather Clark Christian News Network. Your wealth will be for THE King. Thank you for sharing so I know its not just me. The mantle requires respect. Purify me Oh God and make me pure as gold to be molded in your Hand. When everyone else is looking disheveled because they think no one can see them because they work in a back office, the Josephs are going to be better dressed than everyone else. This is something the enemy does to keep you away from your anointing and mantle. Its burning away, cutting away the world, to be vessels of HIS glory, But were STILL human! David didnt become King immediately after being anointed by Samuel to be King because he wasnt ready. Before he took up Elijahs mantle, Elisha was first a worker in his fathers fields. This is why it is important to know who is for you and who is against you before you share anything with them. This morning I heard the Lord say, "I am breathing afresh upon the Jehu mantle of authority. I dont know this person but as soon as I read the title, I remembered some years ago, I texted a message to a Pastor online who I dont know. People were attracted to David and surrounded him with support because of the kingly anointing. David had the anointing to be King, but Saul had the mantle, Elisha was anointed to be the prophet of the land, but Elijah had the mantle, Prince Charles is anointed to be the Sovereign of the UK but Queen Elizabeth has the mantle. I will now make preparation for it. So David made abundant preparations before his death. It really gave a great understanding of what a mantle and anointing is. He was raised up for a season when there was a famine and he was the supplier, the one with the resources to sustain the people. 7. I believe that while Miriam was anointed (she was a prophetess) she didnt have a mantle. 5. So start paying attention because there is something on you as well which you may not even realize is there. I didnt even know it was there until it was pointed out to me. Elijah's Anointing Generational anointing is a double portion anointing In 2 Kings 2:8-15 Elijah struck Jordan with his mantle. However, evil has gained positions of power without being anointed for such a position. The Mantle and Anointing of Stephen: Serving with Excellence - Revised Edition Paperback - Large Print, March 9, 2021 by Rodney Orsborn (Author) 23 ratings Kindle $2.99 Read with Our Free App Paperback $9.99 2 New from $9.99 God did not curse the mantle/office of Chief Priest. Again, Joseph was put in charge of the Pharoahs cup bearer and baker when they were thrown in jail. May you know the fulness of joy in His Presence at this time and ongoing. Grant me grace to go through my process. 16So David said to him, Your blood is on your own head, for your own mouth has testified against you, saying, I have killed the Lords anointed. . 28So Samuel said to him, "The LORD has torn the kingdom of Israel from you today and has given it to your neighbor, who is better than y ou. 20These thin, scrawny cows ate the seven fat cows. Ive never seen such sorry-looking animals in all the land of Egypt. As with the case of his brothers, this just propelled him further into his destiny. When its time to fully take hold of your mantle the are people that cant go to where you are going. Store it away, and guard it so there will be food in the cities. There was an ease to the assignment that David never had. I am at my cross road and this word has taken me over, I truly carry this anointing but I need deliverance to walk in its fullness; the enemy is ensuring I look the opposite of this with all I have and the wisdom and excellence on my life I am broke.. And I even repent and ask father for forgiveness of mismanagement but more over the eyes of my understanding is open and for sure I know the enemy is at work..

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